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Tonos Music Publishing oHG
Lange Straße 89a
76530 Baden-Baden

Phone    +49 7221 18957-20
Fax        +49 7221 18957-25


The registered office of the General Partnership is Baden-Baden/Germany
Entered under the registration number HRA 707705 at the County Court in Mannheim/Germany
Marian Golf and Dirk Fleischer are managing associates
Value Added Tax identification number (VAT ID No.): DE811324809


All rights reserved. The text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos along with their layout and graphic processing on the site are protected by copyright and other protective laws. Tonos Music Publishing oHG owns the copyright to the graphic elements shown and has appropriate representation rights. Some pages also include images that are copyrighted to third parties. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed or modified for commercial use.

Website realization:



Dirk Fleischer

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