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Paolo Ricci

Paolo Ricci was born in Longiano, Italy, in 1949. He studied composition, electronic music and double bass at the conservatory in Pesaro. Following the completion of his studies he developed his compositional talent further and from 1984-1986 studied with Franco Donatoni. His works have been performed at various festivals for contemporary music in Italy and Germany as well as at the Gaudeamus Musikweek in Amsterdam and have been decorated with numerous prizes. His works O dormiente, che cosa è sonno? for 16 voices, and D'altri sentieri for solo violin, were included in the Gaudeamus Musicweek in Amsterdam in 1985 and 1986 respectively. In 1986 his Végetations Plastiques 2 for oboe and ten string instruments was recorded by the 3rd Italian television channel, and in 1987 he was a finalist at the Kucyna International Competition in Boston (USA). His works have also been broadcasted by RAI Turin, RAI Italy, SFB Berlin, ORF Austria and in Belgium and Holland.