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Martín Palmeri

Composer, pianist, choirmaster and orchestra conductor. He was born in Buenos Aires in 1965. He studied composition with Daniel Montes, Marcelo Chevalier, Rodolfo Mederos, Virtú Maragno and Edgar Grana (New York), choral direction with  Antonio Russo and Néstor Zadoff, orchestral conducting with Mario Benzecry, singing with Amalia Estévez and José Crea, and piano with Eduardo Páez and Orlando Trípodi.


As choral director, he has led the Choir of the Faculty of Law (UBA), the Polyphonic Town Choir of Vicente López, Vocal Sospir, the Colegio Esclavas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús de Belgrano (College of the Slaves of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Belgrano), the Escuela Argentina Modelo (Argentina Modelo School), the Music School of Buenos Aires, Vocal del Quartier (Paraná) (local singing group of Paraná).


He has written numerous choral and instrumental works and operas, among which are “Tango del Bicentenario (Bicentenary Tango)“, first performed by the Qatar Symphony Orchestra; “Canto de la lejanía (Song of Distance)“,  premiered in 2010 by the Buenos Aires choral society; “Oratorio de Navidad (Christmas Oratorio)“ first performed at the Faculty of Law UBA (2003); “Mateo“, an opera which opened in the Teatro Roma in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires (1999) and was recorded by the State Radio of Bratislava (Slovakia); “Fantasía tanguera (Tango fantasy)“ premiered in Saint Petersburg, Russia (2000); “Presagios (Portents)“, premiered in Matera, Italy, (2001); “Concierto para bandoneón (Accordion concerto)“ in the Teatro Roma in Avellaneda (2004); “Concierto de danzas (Dance concerto)“, “Negro y negro (Black and black)“, “Sobre las cuatro estaciones (On the four seasons)“. In recent years he has been invited to direct and perform as pianist in the performance of his work “Misatango“, (first performed by the National Sympony Orchestra of Cuba in 1996) in Germany, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Slovakia, Spain, the Netherlands, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Switzerland and the USA. This work was chosen as part of the workshops for Europa Cantat 2009 (Utrecht, the Netherlands), and has been performed by renowned directors, soloists and orchestras in various cities of the world.


He was awarded First Prize in the Choral Arrangement Competition organised by AAMCANT in 2011. The National University of Rosario awarded him First Prize in the National Choral Arrangement Competition in 2010. The National Foundation for the Arts awarded him First Prize in 2003 in the Symphonic Work category of the Juan Carlos Paz Composition Competition for his work “Concierto de danzas para cello y orquesta (Concerto of dances for cello and orchestra)“. Several of his compositions have been recorded on CDs produced in Italy, Latvia and Argentina.


He has taken part in a wide variety of other activities such as acting as judge in the Eisteddfod contest of the Welsh community in Chubut.