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Luis Borda

Luis Borda was born on the 18th July 1955 in Lincoln in the province of Buenos Aires. He studied harmony and composition with Osvaldo Lupi and Alberto Coronato. In the course of his long musical career he has performed and recorded with the most respected and well-known musicians in Argentina, such as Rodolfo Mederos, Dino Saluzzi, Leon Gieco, Lito Vitale, Juan Falú, Emilio del Güercio and others. He toured South-America and Europe several times.




Luis Borda speaks the language of Tango Nuevo but in his own dialect. His Tango is strongly influenced by the sound of his guitar – but also by the harmonies and rhythms of Jazz and the dry and sunburned sensuousness of the sound of Flamenco. (…) In this way, with equally differentiated and intense interpretations, works by Astor Piazzolla, his contemporaries and successors became a true experience, as did Bord’as own compositions. Süddeutsche Zeitung, Andreas Heider (5/97)


Although Borda plays the usually tame and smart classical guitar, in his hands it has to fight the Tango. And we know that the Tango is anything but smart. To the contrary, the Tango is inexorable, always with one foot in the grave, often tough and daring, then sentimental and then again very sad. (...) Sometimes the Tango comes close to a melancholy Pop song, then suddenly you hear slightly weird Jazz chords, everything is dominated by incredible drive, almost out of control. You simply cannot resist. (...) Süddeutsche Zeitung, Reinhard J. Brembeck (5/97)


Every time Borda trusts his guitar, the restricted world of notation turns into a broad field of improvisation. (…) Very different influences in rhythm and harmony merge in the solo passages. Borda presents himself as an innovator in the search to sounding completions of the new Tango Süddeutsche Zeitung, Ralf Dombrowsik (4/98)