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Miguel Ángel Varvello

Miguel Ángel Varvello was born in 1943 in Cañada de Gomez, in Argentina. He studied bandoneon with Tito Aparicio and José Bustamante and harmony, counterpoint and composition with Titti Rossi.


As a bandoneon soloist he has recorded the three part inventions of J.S. Bach as well as his own transcriptions of works by Claude Debussy. He also performed with the typical tango orchestras of José Basso, Héctor Varela, Osvaldo Berlingieri, Osvaldo Piro, Carlos Lazari. Together with Lisandro Adrover he founded the nonette „Ensamble Porteño“ and recorded the album „Despertar en Buenos Aires“.


In 1984 he founded the „Ensamble Trío“, with which he performed extensively in the most important tango venues in Buenos Aires, such as the „Michelangelo“, „Caño 14“ and „La Ciudad“.


In 1987 he represented his country at the international music festival in Johannesburg. On his return he recorded the album „Momentos Inestables“ with the „Ensamble Trío“. Varvello joined forces with the guitarist Jorge Labanca in 1989 to record the album „Devenir“.


Varvello is active as a bandoneonist, arranger and composer. He is also a member of the orchestra accompanying the show „Forever Tango“, which has toured worldwide, including performances in Europe, Japan and the USA.