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If you would like to perform one of these works, you will need the relevant performance materials, which we are happy to provide for rental upon conclusion of a material rental agreement. 

There are a few steps to this:

  • Please select the request form found on this page. It can be downloaded at any time (as a PDF file).

  • You can then fill the form out directly on the computer, digitally sign it, and send it as an email attachment to tmpcontact@tonosmusic.com. Please note that we are only able to process legibly completed and signed request forms. By signing, you are simply confirming that the details you have provided are correct and that your information may be processed and stored for the purpose of handling the order.

  • Once the legibly completed and signed form is received, your order will be processed and you will be emailed the material rental agreement in the form of a non-binding quotation and advance invoice.

  • The performance material will be sent out once we receive the signed material rental agreement and advance payment.