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Tonos Music Publishing oHG is an independent international music publisher with its headquarters in Baden-Baden, Germany. Besides several stage performances the publishing house also has a wide repertoire of instrumental and choir music of various provenance. The types of composition that are developing through artistic creation and the resulting opportunities are also at the centre of our work. The main focus of our activity as a music publisher is on classical publishing areas such as the reproduction and distribution of compositions as well as the associated administration of usage rights.


Among other things we provide our customers with printed scores in the form of purchase material and rental material and/or individually required usage rights. The sheet music that we offer for purchase can be acquired via your local retailer or from various online providers. The performance materials that are offered for rent can be requested and acquired from us directly. This is also valid for any required usage rights, which can be granted in the form of licences following conclusion of the agreement and payment. 


Our customers in Germany and abroad include composers, arrangers, musicians, choirs, ensembles, orchestra, concert halls, theatres, opera houses, record labels and broadcasters as well as music publishers, concert organisers, artist agencies and other institutions.